Horticulture and Cultivation

At a Glance

Plant Identification • Pest Control • Soil Evaluation • Landscape Design • Turf Management

Solve complex issues affecting green spaces while playing a role in preserving the richness and sustainability of our natural landscape. LLCC Horticulture provides classroom and hands-on training in turf establishment and care, pest identification and control, landscape installation, plant identification and landscape design. Career opportunities include working at nurseries, golf courses, botanical gardens, nature preserves and sod farms; in lawn care and landscape sales; and as entrepreneurs.

Degrees & Certs

Join the growing multibillion dollar green industry by earning a degree or certificate. 

The associate degree program offers the option to select a landscape specialization or a turf management specialization. A partnership agreement established with Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville allows students completing the horticulture associate in applied science degree at LLCC to transfer to SIUE to earn a bachelor’s degree in integrative studies.

Job Outlook


For the 2024-2025 academic year (fall 2024, spring 2025 and summer 2025), horticulture/landscape design/turf management (HRT), agribusiness management (ABM) and agriculture (AGR) classes have a tuition rate of $175 per credit hour for in-district residents. All other classes in the program have a standard in-district rate of $140 per credit hour. Get more information on tuition and fees.

Books sold separately.

Learn more about cost of attendance.

There are ways to get help paying for college. Learn more about paying for college.

Getting Started

Questions about the program? Contact Bill Harmon.

Explore available horticulture and landscaping classes in LoggerCentral

Ready to get started?

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