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Auto Technology Adjunct Instructor | Workforce Institute
Justin Palmer
Assistant Coach, Baseball | Athletics
David Park
Professor, Biology | Natural & Agricultural Science
Sangamon Hall
Rebecca Parton
Dean, Academic Innovation and eLearning | Academic Innov. and eLearning
Sangamon Hall
Practical Nursing Adjunct Instructor | Health Professions
Police Officer | Police and Security
Sangamon Hall
Sarah Payne
Admissions Specialist | Recruitment & Admissions
Menard Hall
CNA/NAS Adjunct Instructor | Health Professions
Amanda Peabody
Assistant Professor, Nursing | Health Professions
Montgomery Hall
Automotive Technology Adjunct Instructor | Workforce Institute
System Administrator III | Information Technology
Menard Hall
Tamie Penning
Systems Administrator I | Information Technology
Menard Hall
Surgical Technology Adjunct Instructor | Health Professions
Chemistry Adjunct Instructor | Natural & Agricultural Science
Kellee Phillips
Student Care Coordinator | Student Services
Menard Hall
Professor, Engineering | Mathematics & Computer Science
Sangamon Hall
Dave Pietrzak
Program Director, Aviation | Workforce Institute
Abraham Lincoln Capt Airport
Kevin Pippin
Truck Driver Training Coordinator | Workforce Institute
Workforce Careers Center
English Adjunct Instructor | English & Humanities
Child Development Teacher | Child Development Center
Child Development Center
Computer Science Adjunct Instructor | Mathematics & Computer Science
Karrir Prescott
Administrative Assistant to the Dean | Natural & Agricultural Science
Sangamon Hall
Biology Adjunct Instructor | Natural & Agricultural Science
Geography Adjunct Instructor | Natural & Agricultural Science
Professor, Communication | Arts & Communication
Menard Hall