The mission of the LLCC Food Pantry is to provide support to Lincoln Land Community College students in the area of supplemental health and wellness by providing reliable access to a sufficient quantity of nutritious food.
The LLCC Food Pantry aspires to alleviate the barriers associated with food insecurity to support student success at LLCC.
- Provide food resources to students experiencing food insecurity.
- Provide community resources and referrals that can further assist students’ needs.
- Provide personal care and hygiene items as supplies are available.
Hours of operation and location
The LLCC Food Pantry is open during Student Life office hours when staff members are available. The Student Life office is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., except during the summer when LLCC is closed on Fridays. Any LLCC student wishing to set up an appointment to use the Food Pantry can contact Student Life.
Students can utilize the Food Pantry once per week. This service is free to current students. The LLCC Food Pantry is located in LLCC Student Life in the lower level of Menard Hall (across from Quiznos).
Donations and Fundraising
In order to guarantee the longevity of the LLCC Food Pantry, there will be a need for continual supplies and monetary donations. In an effort to have an inventory of healthy emergency food supplies, we will encourage faculty, staff and students to donate to the pantry. Other outreach plans include raising funds through activities hosted by clubs and organizations as well as requesting donations from local organizations and companies approved by the LLCC Foundation.
All monetary donations given in support of the LLCC Food Pantry will be kept with the LLCC Foundation. LLCC Student Life will be responsible for purchasing items needed for the food pantry in accordance with the purchasing policies set by the LLCC Foundation as outlined in the LLCC Foundation/LLCC Food Pantry Guidelines. All items/monies donated to the LLCC Food Pantry are not tax deductible unless otherwise determined by the LLCC Foundation. Checks must be made payable to LLCC Foundation with a note indicating that the funds are specifically for the LLCC Food Pantry.
While all donations are appreciated and helpful, in order to fully meet the needs of our students, we would like to encourage all of our donors to provide ready-to-eat meals to accommodate for our students who may be in need of a meal during their time on campus. Below is a list of items that we suggest; however, if you come across items that are not included in our list but fall within the ready-to-eat category, feel free to donate them!
Food Item Donations
- Trail mix
- To-go peanut butter cups
- Pop-Tarts (toaster pastries)
- Mac & cheese cups
- Tuna salad ready-to-eat kits
- Chicken salad ready-to-eat kits
- Easy peel opening cans of soup (microwave ready)
- Ready-to-eat pasta meals (microwave ready)
- Protein bars
- Granola bars
- Fruit snacks
- Fruit cups & pudding
- Juice (single servings like Juicy Juice)
- Crackers (single servings)
Non-Food Item Donations
- Plastic shopping bags
- Microwavable safe bowls
- Utensils and napkins
- Hygiene products
Please note that all donations should be in their original packaging listing the "use by," "sell by" or "best if used by" date as this will assist us in ensuring we comply with USDA guidelines.
Hygiene products are also available upon request.
Any donations that do not constitute as ready-to-eat will still be accepted. Those items will be provided to students who indicate a need at home or for families. Any items not utilized by our students will be donated to the Central IL Food Bank.
Thank you so much for your contributions and generosity!