All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Lara Marshall
Financial Aid Coordinator | Financial Aid
Millennium Center
Jeff Martin
Workforce Recruitment and Placement Coordinator | Recruitment & Admissions
Workforce Careers Center
RCP Adjunct Instructor Mod & Summer | Health Professions
Scott Maruna
Public Safety Assistant | Police and Security
Cynthia Maskey
Dean, Health Professions | Health Professions
Logan Hall
Keri Mason
Director, LLCC Jacksonville | LLCC-Jacksonville
Mechanical Maintenance Technician | Facilities
Sangamon Hall
History Adjunct Instructor | Social Sciences & Business
Greg Matejka
IT Security and Assurance Manager | Information Technology
Menard Hall
Derek Matlock
Instructor, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration & Heating | Workforce Institute
Workforce Careers Center
Database & Financial Reporting Analyst | Finance
Menard Hall
Education Services Representative | LLCC-Jacksonville
Professor, Math | Mathematics & Computer Science
Sangamon Hall
Jamie McCoy
Workforce Development & Health Care Continuing Ed Prog Crd | LLCC-Medical District
LLCC-Medical District
Business Adjunct Instructor | Social Sciences & Business
Administrative Assistant | LLCC-Jacksonville
Chris McDonald
Professor, Political Science | Social Sciences & Business
Sangamon Hall
Criminal Justice Adjunct Instructor | Social Sciences & Business
Dan McGee
Assistant Coach, Baseball | Athletics
Cass Gym
Mina McIntire
Private Applied Instructor | Arts & Communication
Timothy McKenzie
Professor, Philosophy | English & Humanities
Menard Hall
Professor, Math | Mathematics & Computer Science
Sangamon Hall
Chemistry Adjunct Instructor | Natural & Agricultural Science
Child Development Assistant | Child Development Center
Child Development Center
Patty Mendoza
Director, Adult Education & Literacy | Adult Education
Millennium Center