All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Chemistry Adjunct Instructor | Natural & Agricultural Science
Chris Russel
Chief of Police | Police and Security
Sangamon Hall
Andre Rye
Student Success Coach I | Student Success
Millennium Center
Early Childhood Education Adjunct Instructor | Social Sciences & Business
Karen Sanders
Vice President, Advancement/Exec Director, LLCC Foundation | Foundation
Menard Hall
Rahib Sawah
Professor, Physics | Natural & Agricultural Science
Sangamon Hall
Truck Driver Training Specialist | Workforce Institute
Workforce Careers Center
CNA/NAS Adjunct Instructor | Health Professions
Rick Schnetzler
Director, IT Support | Information Technology
Menard Hall
Matthew Schownir
Professor, History | Social Sciences & Business
Sangamon Hall
Robert Schuerman
Property Control Technician | Finance
Menard Hall
Justin Scott
Building Custodian | Facilities
Menard Hall
Scott Searcy
Dean, Mathematics & Computer Science | Mathematics & Computer Science
Sangamon Hall
Hospitality Adjunct Instructor | Workforce Institute
John Sepanski
Student Success Coach I | Student Success
Millennium Center
Chuck Shanklin
Coach, Men's Basketball | Athletics
Cass Gym
Erin Shanle
Assistant Professor, Biology | Natural & Agricultural Science
Sangamon Hall
Professor, Integrated Media Design | Arts & Communication
Menard Hall
Bailey Shaw
Professor, English | English & Humanities
Menard Hall
Program Navigator, PATH Program | Path Grant
Menard Hall
Al Shull
Professor, Art | Arts & Communication
Menard Hall
Computer Science Adjunct Instructor | Mathematics & Computer Science
Jill Siebert
Donor Relations Coordinator | Foundation
Menard Hall
Candace Silas
Director, Open Door Workforce Equity Initiative/PATH Grant | Workforce Equity Initiative
Sangamon Hall
Adult Education Coordinator | Adult Education
Millennium Center