LLCC is committed to providing quality academic support services to our students.
The LLCC Center for Academic Success offers free one-on-one peer tutoring in many courses to currently enrolled LLCC students. Peer tutors can assist students in-person and online through MS Teams. Both daytime and evening appointments are offered. Our Information Desk staff can help you select a tutor who meets your time requirements.
Fall and spring
Every day of the week from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. for a wide array of LLCC courses. Individual schedules vary by tutor.
Current Schedule
View the Student Guide to Peer Tutors for a list of all available tutors, courses they support, and their availability for appointments. Click on a tutor's profile to learn more about that tutor.
To make an appointment with a peer tutor, call the Center for Academic Success at 217-786-2396 or email
With your LLCC username and password, you can use our online scheduler:
LLCC also offers free online tutoring to currently enrolled students through Students can access Brainfuse through their Canvas login page. Simply log into any of your current courses in Canvas and click "Brainfuse Online Tutoring" along the left sidebar. This button will log you directly into the website.
NOTE: The pop-up blocker feature must be turned off in order for the Brainfuse window to open!
For assistance, call the Center for Academic Success at 217-786-2396 or send an email to
Peer tutor perspectives
Read an article written by one of our peer tutors for the Engineerica learning software company.