All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Gary Bach
Academic Technology Support Specialist | Academic Innov. and eLearning
Sangamon Hall
Sara Bachmann
Assistant Professor, Basic Nurse Assistant | Health Professions
Montgomery Hall
Program Director, Respiratory Care | Health Professions
Police Officer | Police and Security
Sangamon Hall
Max Bahrami
Application Developer I | Information Technology
Menard Hall
Program Assistant, PATH Program | Path Grant
Sangamon Hall
Truck Driver Training Specialist | Workforce Institute
Workforce Careers Center
Samuel Barbour
Instructor, Economics | Social Sciences & Business
Menard Hall
Computer Applications Adjunct Instructor | Social Sciences & Business
James Bast
Mechanical Maintenance Technician | Facilities
Sangamon Hall
Michael Bates
Public Safety Assistant | Police and Security
Gillian Bauer
Professor, English | English & Humanities
Menard Hall
Carson Becker
Police Officer | Police and Security
Sangamon Hall
Craig Beckmier
Professor, Agriculture | Natural & Agricultural Science
Kreher Agriculture Center
Sarah Beggs
Enrollment Services Representative | Registration Services
Millennium Center
Debra Bell
Custodial Operations Supervisor | Facilities
Menard Hall
Nicholas Bergh
Information Technology Specialist | Information Technology
Menard Hall
April Bergman
Student Success Specialist | Student Success
Millennium Center
Hospitality Adjunct Instructor | Workforce Institute
Professor, History | Social Sciences & Business
Sangamon Hall
Megan Bierbrodt
Program Navigator | Workforce Equity Initiative
Sangamon Hall
Psychology Adjunct Instructor | Social Sciences & Business
Assistant Coach, Women's Soccer | Athletics
Jessie Blackburn
Director, LLCC-Litchfield | LLCC-Litchfield
Liz Bland
Agriculture Program Specialist | Recruitment & Admissions
Kreher Agriculture Center