All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Deborah Brothers
Professor, English | English & Humanities
Menard Hall
Ed Brown
IT Trainer/Technical Writer | Information Technology
Menard Hall
Welding Adjunct Instructor | Workforce Institute
Computer Applications Adjunct Instructor | Social Sciences & Business
Police Officer | Police and Security
Sangamon Hall
Mackenzie Bryant
Recruitment Specialist | Recruitment & Admissions
A Lincoln Commons
Automotive Technology Adjunct Instructor | Workforce Institute
Dawn Burch
Financial Aid Advisor | Financial Aid
Millennium Center
Michelle Burger
Scholarship Program & Alumni Services Coordinator | Foundation
Menard Hall
Construction Support Specialist | Construction Management
Mason Hall
Facilities Maintenance Technician | Facilities
Sangamon Hall
Electrical Maintenance Adjunct Instructor | Workforce Institute
Police Officer | Police and Security
Sangamon Hall
Dean Butzow
Professor, Geography | Natural & Agricultural Science
Sangamon Hall
Shanda Byer
Vice President, Student Services | Student Services
Menard Hall
Respiratory Care Adjunct Instructor | Health Professions
Librarian (Professor) | Library
Sangamon Hall
Public Safety Assistant | Police and Security
Kaja Carter
Enrollment Services Representative | Registration Services
Millennium Center
Communications Adjunct Instructor | Arts & Communication
Culinary/Hospitality Adjunct Instructor | Workforce Institute
Leslie Catalano
Assistant Professor, Nursing | Health Professions
Montgomery Hall
Lucinda Caughey
Associate Professor, Computer Science | Mathematics & Computer Science
Sangamon Hall
CNA/NAS Adjunct Instructor | Health Professions
Kat Chamberlain
Financial Aid Compliance Specialist | Financial Aid
Millennium Center