David Western

David Western

David Western, LLCC’s outstanding graduate in 2016, is now a systems engineer at Lockheed Martin, working in the Commercial Civil Spaces Advanced Programs department. At LLCC he was active in Phi Theta Kappa honor society, Chemistry and Robotics Clubs, and described as a “bright and motivated young man with a strong work ethic, natural intelligence and a love for science and engineering.” In his current role, he performs launch vehicle integration for a variety of customers. “I help make sure the spacecraft payload meets the launch vehicle requirements to have a safe and successful mission.”

Following LLCC, Western transferred to the Missouri University of Science and Technology, earning a bachelor's in engineering in aerospace, aeronautical and astronautical engineering, and then a master of science in space resources from Colorado School of Mines. "LLCC's dedicated professors, small class sizes and opportunities helped me build a strong, solid foundation for further education and, ultimately, my career," said Western.