Kyle Cearlock

Kyle Cearlock

Kyle Cearlock of Taylorville took a fast track to transferring from LLCC to the University of Missouri, majoring in mathematics-actuarial science and finance. He enrolled in college-level classes while still in high school, and through LLCC’s College Now program, was able to earn his associate degree at the same time he graduated from high school. Taking college level courses on top of his high school schoolwork, extracurriculars and sports, he earned a 4.0 grade point average.

“I hope more students will take advantage of the opportunity to graduate from LLCC and high school around the same time and then transfer on,” he said. “In order to graduate with my associate degree before high school graduation, I took summer classes going into my junior and senior year. I am grateful that Taylorville High School allowed me to take college and dual-credit classes, and I am thankful that LLCC provided me with these classes."